Sunday, March 30, 2008

Quick Ratings Update

Well, it's been a month since I last posted a review, and this is still not a review. However, I have a few movies in the pipeline -- as in I have watched them, and I am going to review them -- but first I felt I should explain my rating system and possibly re-evaluate the movies I have reviewed using said system.

Yes, I am sticking to the 10 point system, but I've given myself some guidelines for choosing the appropriate value to best reflect how I feel about a movie.


I have never given out a ten because this means the movie is completely and utterly flawless. So far, I have yet to find that movie.

9 to 9.9

An excellent movie with great cinematography, story, acting soundtrack, everything. What holds it back from being a perfect ten will usually be continuity errors and minor plot holes. (I'll usually become obsessed with the movies in this category)

8 to 8.9

A very good movie with all the major elements done well, though a couple could possibly be improved. The fact that not all of the elements are outstanding is what holds it back from a 9.

7 to 7.9

An entertaining movie that excels in only one or two of the major elements, but it still works as a whole and is worth the money.

6 to 6.9

A fun movie, but there is really nothing special or outstanding about it. A movie you should consider waiting to see as a rental. It is enjoyable as a whole but you wouldn't die over missing it.

5 to 5.9

An unimpressive movie with a few good points that save it from failure. Even then, the "good points" will often be sub-par.

1 to 4.9

I group these together because everything between 1 and 4.9 is a failure, and 1 being a complete and utter failure.

And now, a quick re-rate of my previous reviews using the above guide.

Sweeney Todd: 9.7 out of 10. I still believe this to be an excellent movie, and best of 2007.

Pan's Labyrinth: 8.8 out of 10. It is a great movie with many, many great assets.

Be Kind Rewind: 8.2 out of 10. A well done movie with some great moments.

Now that I have a solid rating system in place (ok, maybe it isn't so solid, but it's good for now), I intend on writing my review for Cloverfield, Horton Hears a Who, and 21. Watch for one each week for the next three weeks.

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